
We audit different government agencies on a regular basis for unclaimed funds due to citizens like yourself.

We usually locate our clients by doing internet searches.

Once you have signed our contingency fee agreement, we'll be happy to disclose where the funds have been located! Typically, you will end up with 50-70% of the funds collected. The funds will be remitted to you upon 30 days of receipt.

Now, if you want to try to do this on your own and risk losing the money to the government forever, you can certainly do that. And while we can't tell you what to do, we'll tell you what most people do in your situation, at least those who actually want to get a portion of their money back. Normally, it has been our experience that the process will take 60-90 days, depending on the complexity of the case. After attorney fees, paralegals, processing charges, court filings, research fees, and other governmental fees, regarding reclaiming your money, you'll find this to be an overwhelming task.

Most of the assets we locate aren't available by searching the internet, and it's unlikely that, without the aid of a company like ours, you'll be notified of their existence by the agency holding them.

Just give us a call! We're here to serve you. Call (727) 408-2774 today.

Now, be careful because these funds are held for only a brief period of time, after which the agency responsible for them may be permitted to seize them through a process called "escheatment."

We think private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies (a system rooted in feudal 16th-century England) is completely unfair, and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.